www.beachtravellers.com Travellers Beach is a unique travel company that specializes in adventure travel, the world's most exotic locations. We provide exclusive adventure backpacking trips that stray off the beaten track to go through training on and on down the road less traveled. Our groups are small and interpersonal by limiting the size to a maximum of 12-14 people per trip, and we are alone in the creation of complicated travel lifestyles in the most beautiful countries in focusthe world. Our travel design is far more than all the basic backpacker route or a tour through the integration and exposing a variety of activities and culture for all of our travels, from the time they get off the plane. We travel to any country in the best locations and have the opportunity at any point up to the traveler. We have introduced the idea of an enlightening travel experience at it's best, while removing one of the stresses that come with it. Our travel-style concept and gives everyTo see our travelers the opportunity to discover the freedom of life in the true paradises we have discovered. Everyone who works with us, experienced and driven to travel alone on the love and the joy of the people expanded their horizons to new exciting places. We have to understand the past four years, and people start working from across Canada that this is not a tour company, it is a new era of travel.